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Hello! Nice to meet you.

I'm a queer neurodivergent woman living on the West Coast of the United States. I'm passionate about music, spirituality, friendship, and learning. In my free time, you can often find me snuggling with my dog and listening to an audiobook, podcast, or Taylor Swift. My autism and ADHD are not congruent with most jobs in this society, so I am very grateful for how the business of transcription enables me to thrive. Your support gives me invaluable opportunities; thank y0u!

Photo of Carrie smiling and looking into the camera. She is a young woman with blue eyes and long straight red hair. She is wearing a modest dark brown shirt and is surrounded by sunlight and delicate green foliage.
Photo of Carrie grinning and looking to the right. She is a young woman with blue eyes and long straight red hair. She is wearing a modest dark brown shirt, a dark brown belt, and a light leather brown skirt. The delicate green foliage of a pepper tree partially obscures her.
Photo of Carrie smiling and looking into the camera. She is a young woman with blue eyes and long straight red hair. She is wearing a modest dark brown shirt and is surrounded by sunlight and delicate green foliage.
Photo of Carrie smiling softly and looking into the camera. She is a young woman with blue eyes and long straight red hair. She is wearing a modest dark brown shirt, dark brown belt, and light leather brown skirt with buttons down the front. A pepper tree and dirt path are in the sunlit background.

Images by Robyn Woolley

Photo of Carrie holding her dog Hobbes. Carrie has long straight red hair, a dark brown shirt, and is smiling with her face close to the dog. He is an older medium white poodle mix with a lipstick kiss mark on the side of his face. He is looking to the left while Carrie faces more to the right.
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