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You have a variety of options for how your project can be transcribed. You may choose a combination of services, such as Standard Verbatim plus Time Coding. I am happy to customize my services to your needs.

When using Standard Verbatim, I clean up the speech by cutting out filler words like "um" and "uh" as well as stuttering. The sentence structure remains as heard in the audio.

Strict Verbatim includes every single word (and half word) exactly as heard in the audio.

Selecting Time Coding means that time stamps are included in the transcription at whatever interval you desire. Time stamps every 30 seconds or 1 minute are standard.

Minor Editing is a separate service from transcription, but I offer it because some clients would like my help in making their words read more smoothly. You may choose to receive a copy of the unedited transcript in addition to the edited.

Transcription Rates

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My rates are based on the number of minutes in the audio file and how quickly you wish to receive the transcription. Audio minutes are rounded up to the next minute, and turnaround time is based on time received. For example, a 24-hour turnaround time means that orders placed before 5:00pm will be completed by 5:00pm on the following business day. 

Number of Speakers            24 Hours          48 Hours          5 Days

1-2 speakers (Normal)            $1.50               $1.25             $1.00

3-4 speakers (Difficult)          $2.00               $1.45             $1.50

5+ speakers (Chaos)              $3.00               $2.50             $2.00

For example:
Audio File Length = 30 minutes 

Number of Speakers = Normal

Desired Turnaround Time = 5 Days ($1.00)
30 x $1.00 = $30.00

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Time Coding takes extra time. Therefore this service costs a step above what the audio length would without Time Coding. For example, if you wanted Time Coding for a Normal audio with a turnaround time of 48 hours, it would cost the same as a Normal audio with a turnaround time of 24 hours.

Minor Editing is charged by the number of minutes it takes to edit the transcript after it is completed. My rate is $0.40 per minute.

For example: 15 x $0.40 = $6.00

The cost of transcription is added to the cost of editing to make your final total. 

Full payment is expected upon receipt of completed transcript. An invoice will be sent along with the transcript. For long-term and ongoing projects, you will be billed bi-weekly for work completed to date and payment is expected within 10 days of receipt of invoice. A 50% deposit will be required for new clients before commencement of transcription job.

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